
Easy bear cafe in Taipei not only melt your heart

In recent years, more and more consolidation of theme restaurants in Taipei, just to test the operation of "easy bear theme Cafe Caf Rilakkuma, attracted many consumers" pilgrimage ", and even some people even make thousands of telephone calls for reservation. The coffee shop behind the good food culture Co. Ltd. General Manager of international Chen Hongzhou, originally wanted to help a wife Mollie shop.
Chen Hongzhou said, Mollie is easy to bear the number one fan, a wife casually mentioned "why not easily bear restaurant?" , plus his dream to have a coffee shop, so to talk about the image of the Japanese companies to draw the license, the first easy bear theme cafe is born.
Different from other small style theme restaurant, Chen Hongzhou pointed out that the easy bear theme Cafe white, wood decoration, open space and spacious corridors to create a comfortable atmosphere, from the wall decoration and decoration to furniture, meals, and Japanese cargo to Taiwan merchandise display area, there is a "manager easily bear" figure, each the details are husband and wife two people several times to discuss the results.
Chen Hongzhou said, with the meal as an example, the invitation of Queen Lai Xiaomei planned 13 dessert dessert, salad, main dishes and drinks, every dish to eat after many decided to taste, because "let consumers eat satisfied is the real service". In addition, he said, the store in addition to the original Japanese imports of merchandise display area, the future will be the design of coffee cups, mugs, coffee related products, dolls and other cultural and creative goods, is expected at the end of this year or early next year.

