1 .You may need keep the mascot costume at dry and ventilated place to store, hanging it on the hanger is the best. If not, you can put it in a clean box, but you have to always pay attention to take it out of the box to ventilated place .
2 .When you put mascot costume in the box for storage, we highly recommend you to put camphor inside to protect it from insects.
3.You`d better use the mascot costume personally which means personal set for each one . If you can not make sure of it, timely disinfection and cleaning (soak it in clothes disinfectant for 30 minutes) also keeping dry will be necessarily needed.
4. Please pull inside part out of mascot costume after use and keep it at ventilated place to dry. 5.According to the frequency of use of mascot costume ,you may need regularly clean it, especially the body part .Another important tip is ,in different seasons especially in spring and summer, the actors who wear costumes sweat a lot because of the hot weather , under this case you need wash it in time once there is any unusual smell.
6.The head part of mascot costume is not easy to be washed so please try to keep the clean of this part as possible as you can. If it truly needs washing, you can wipe it with wet towel using little water .Sometimes you can use some toothpaste to deal with the dirty parts , soon you will be able to make it totally clean and fresh.
7. The service life of each mascot costume depends on the quality of clothes, generally 5 years for most . It is recommended to observe the use condition of mascot costume, if necessary, you may need replace it with a new mascot costume.
Article Source:http://www.mascotsuper.com/news