$3,400 is in the bank already and another $1,200 in pledges are rolling in. The revised quote is expected to be higher than originallythought because we've made some modifications to the first draft (bigger arms, chest, more "athletic" build).
We still need donations of any denomination to raise several thousand more (WCHA Final 5, NCAA Tourney and Frozen Four are on the immediate horizon, providing the hockey team cooperates). Any donation of $50 will be matched by LetsGoDU.
The skin tone will be "ethnically ambiguous," which is becoming a standard in the mascot costume industry. We've received a overwhelminglypositive response from students who have seen the mascot design on the blog.
The color scheme for the mascot will match the popular "Welcome to Boontown" logo; crimson pants & shirt, gold/tan vest & black boots.