Japan is an island where Animation has a special branch of its own. The anime made in japan is
favored by the anime fans all over the world, including those cosplay fans. That is the reason why
anime cosplay costumes are so popular these days.
There are many kinds of anime while males may like the themes of sports and war the most, and
the females may like the themes of magic and emotional ones the most. Therefore, they play quite
different roles in cosplay.
As to the anime cosplay costumes, they can be part into two groups by gender: for males and for
females. The costumes for male are usually simpler than for the female. The most frequently used
accessories for a male may be the wigs while females always have special demands on
Thus, female will have more requirements on their anime cosplay costume and they would pay
more attention on details like buttons and hemlines. In addition, females always want their
costumes to be special so sometimes they may have the demand to stitch their names or the
symbol of their own to make their costumes differ.
In a word, anime cosplay is a result of the anime industry. It shows the development of the anime.